
Alexander Chemical Resources

Use the following Alexander Chemical industry and company resources to find the information you’re looking for. 

Alexander Chemical News and Blogs

The Alex Chem Blog is your go-to source for industry-related updates, trends, and news. Stay up to date with relevant industry topics like PFAS, governmental regulations. notable news articles, and more. 

Alexander Chemical Insider

The Alex Chem Insider is designed to introduce you to Alexander Chemical and keep you updated with relevant company and event updates. Visit the insider to learn more about the team, certifications, active and past facility projects, and more. 

Ask An Expert

Do you have an industry-related question? Our experts are standing by to answer your questions about the industry, processes, distribution, solutions, or anything else you are curious about. Submit your question today!

Useful Industry Links

Discover useful industry related links and resources.

Safety Data Sheets

Included in the safety data sheets is information pertaining to environmental releases, toxicology, first-aid, reactivity, transportation regulation, exposure levels, and other critical characteristics. 

Helpful Infographics

Find industry and Alexander Chemical related infographic resources on processes, products, and services.

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