Winter Weather Alert

Dear Valued Customer,

Winter has arrived, which means that there can be extreme cold and potentially hazardous travel conditions. As you prepare for these cold months, please be aware that these conditions can cause supply disruptions.

In preparation for this potential issue, we would like to ask for your assistance ahead of any winter weather incident.

  • Please communicate with your Alexander account manager a forecast for your upcoming inventory needs. As always, a good forecast and communication line helps us serve you properly.
  • Be aware that some chemical products will freeze. Update yourself on the freezing points of your products and proper winter storage. If you need any help regarding handling and storage of your current products, please talk with your Alexander account manager.
  • Consider safety stock on products that are critical to your process.
  • If road conditions are hazardous, it could delay your order. Please understand that safety is our number one priority. We do not want to put anyone in jeopardy of injury or a chemical accident.

We can deliver and will work with you after hours or weekends should such conditions arise.

Being prepared is an important way to stay ahead of extreme conditions and potential delays.  You can be assured that we will take every step possible to lessen the impact of these situations. Please work with us and let us help you prepare in any way we can.


Rob Davidson
Alexander Chemical